What Is Nest js? A Look at the Lightweight JavaScript Framework

What is Nest JavaScript

A module is defined using Nest’s `@Module()` decorator, which describes properties such as the module’s controllers, providers, and dependencies. Provides a powerful CLI for project setup, code generation, and development tasks. The CLI speeds up the development process by generating boilerplate code, and setting up new modules, controllers, services, and more, with simple commands. NestJS is a powerful framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. Developed with a focus on modern JavaScript and TypeScript, NestJS combines object-oriented programming, functional programming, and reactive programming.

What is Nest JavaScript

Connecting Controller and Service

Node.js works by unifying web-application development and avoids having to use different languages for programming on the server and on the client side. These are the locations where inbound requests will be handled. You can specify the route path using HTTP method modifiers (Get, Post, Put, Delete, and so on) decorators, as seen in the code below. Nest.js includes built-in testing utilities, making it easier to write unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests for your application. It makes testing components easier with dependency injection and mocking capabilities. The testing utility integrates well with popular testing frameworks like Jest and Supertest.

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So-called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provide you with extra superpowers to use in your JavaScript code. Nest core team members will help you utilize best practices and choose the right strategy for unique goals.You can learn more on the enterprise.nestjs.com. The default logger in NestJS, ConsoleLogger, has received a major upgrade in this release. It now includes several improvements such as better formatting for deeply nested objects and arrays, support for maps and sets, and the ability to customize log prefixes. However, the standout feature is the new built-in support for JSON logging. If you’re looking to get started using feature flags to ensure software development best practices, start your free trial account with DevCycle.

Introduction to Nest.js — A Framework for Node.js

A module is intended to encapsulate a closely programmer related set of capabilities. Each application has a root module, which Nest uses as a starting point to resolve the application’s structure and relationships. It’s highly recommended to use multiple modules to organize your application components.

What is Nest JavaScript

  • With over 46.6k stars and 5.4k forks on GitHub, and a weekly download count of up to 700,000, the framework is a popular go-to for crafting out your backend project with Node.js.
  • You can then make the addRecipe() POST method strongly typed and Nest will automatically populate the model object for us, as shown in Listing 13.
  • Our expert team delivers cutting-edge solutions, including JAMstack strategies, headless CMS integrations, progressive web apps, and e-commerce development.
  • Next, we’ll discuss why you and your company should choose Nest.js for your next project, and we’ll provide insight into why others already use the framework and its benefits.
  • Managing a large-scale application can be tedious, especially when built without a well-planned structure and strict code organization strategy.

Below is a list of the few popular brands Strong Junior/Middle Nest.js developer job using the framework in production. Build robust, powerful, and scalable server-side applications and stop reinventing the wheel. JavaScript can also be used as a server-side language, for example in the popular Node.js environment — you can find out more about server-side JavaScript in our Dynamic Websites – Server-side programming topic. Here we first select a button using document.querySelector, then attaching an event listener to it using addEventListener so that when the button is clicked, the updateName() code block (lines 5–8) is run. The updateName() code block (these types of reusable code blocks are called “functions”) asks the user for a new name, and then inserts that name into the button text to update the display. What is even more exciting however is the functionality built on top of the client-side JavaScript language.

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